Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography

Portrait photographic services in Venice

In portrait photography, I believe that every person is unique, no two stories are exactly alike. But they all deserve to be told.

Are you ready to live an unforgettable experience?

Portrait photography is first of all an experience. A path to learn about yourself and your body. My aim is to highlight the interiority of each subject I photograph to create an image that truly represents it.

The photographic portrait can be a unique opportunity to feel special, to get out of your comfort zone. To express your personality or to rediscover yourself. But above all to create a testimony of you.

I will use all my experience to create photographic portraits that create authentic images with spontaneity and simplicity. A unique and precious portrait photo.

A memory to keep but also an opportunity to see yourself in a new way. I will follow you step by step to create a photo shoot with the utmost naturalness.

I will devote the utmost attention to creating images that speak of you. Authentic and valuable photographs. I will do it according to your tastes or your needs, always without forcing. Nothing will be left to chance. A tailor-made photo shoot, created around you to create exceptional images.

How does the session take place?

After a brief cognitive chat, in person or via videoconference, we will decide together how to create your photographic portrait. We could make it in the studio or in a set location, of your liking.

If you wish, you can request the collaboration of a make-up artist. Even if it will not be necessary because I prefer, for this type of images, the maximum naturalness and authenticity, without filters.

I will be ready to give you useful advice and information. I will always leave room for your ideas and emotions.

For your portraits you can wear anything that will make you feel at ease. There are no limits to the imagination. The dream dress you’ve always wanted to wear, or a more casual outfit to be yourself.

Whatever clothing you choose, what you will get will be a timeless image.

You can have yourself photographed alone or together with whoever you decide, family for a family photo, relatives, friends or why not, your four-legged friend.

After the session?

After the photo shoot, usually within two weeks, I will make a selection of the best shots that will be post produced. Later we will meet, even online through google meet or skype, to view and select the images. You decide, without restrictions, which prints to buy. Precious fine art or enlargements.

Portrait photography prices

We are constantly overwhelmed by an enormous amount of images that we can no longer fully enjoy, we are thus losing the importance of memory. We have smartphones full of photos that we will most likely never be able to print.

In my portrait sessions, digital files or galleries will not be included, (which will still be possible to purchase later) but something tangible like fine art print, of quality and resistance, guaranteed over time.

What does the session include?

  • The photo session, lasting forty-five minutes or an hour
  • Selection and post-production of the shots taken
  • Appointment for viewing and selecting images, in person or via video call
  • A fine art print, black white or color, A4 format with black frame

Price of the session: 180 €

A price list will be available for the subsequent purchase of prints, enlargements and digital files.

Payments can be deferred over time and it is also possible to pay by debit card and credit card.

Do you want to give an emotion?

Do you want to give a unique and unforgettable experience to the person closest to you? the photographic portrait is a special and original gift. For this I have specially created vouchers that can be purchased directly online from this site, in a safe way If you would like a more personalized solution, do not hesitate to contact me.