The legend – Aviation photography

Hello everyone!
The title of the post and that of the photo I took, in this case, is more than spot on. The legend is called Giancarlo Zanardo, perhaps one of the few true aviators left, owner of one of the most famous historical aircraft collections in Europe. They call it a flying museum and indeed the Jonathan collections, a foundation that aims to spread the culture and passion for aeronautics, is.

It is not difficult to find, by searching on the net, which were his aviation companies.

I am very passionate about aeronautical photography, but in this case it was above all about creating a portrait photo shoot.

For these shots I started, first of all, with a mini project, which represented my expectations to the maximum, but above all, which could make Zanardo understand what I had in mind.


Aviation photography

after a short presentation and a couple of visits, “in the field” we decided the date of the shots.

I had to shoot in full sun, central hours of the day and with reduced timing, since our subject does not like being “down to earth”,: D therefore, part of the time we spent waiting for flights and enjoying some stunt just for us :)

Jonathan collections, a foundation

And here’s what the set was like in the open field …

Backstage of my setup

Aviation photography

My light schema

I must say that I am very satisfied with the final result, despite the “logistical” difficulties

Thank you all! ;)

Aeronautical photography

Aviation photography

Aviation photography

Aviation photography, Giancarlo Zanardo


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